Saturday, January 23, 2010

AZIZ GET OUT OF THIS GROUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nacho Hat Meeting #2



Bryan (I don't have a cool nickname or middle name yet)


What happened....awesomeness. BTW alert!!!! Did you know that Blogger doesn't recognize "awesomeness" as a word? Bullshit.

Let me run through shit...

1. We went to the Lakers/Knicks game. Result...Lakers win, the Lakers win, the LAAAAAAAAAAAAKERS win!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, that's right it was awesome.

2. We done got to see Bill Clinton in person! In person! Did you hear that? In person!

3. The International Bar. Grimey as fuck (well, just grimey, I'll use "grimey as fuck to describe bars like the Drawing Room and Taps), but kind of awesome. There was a couple, a non-romantic couple, who were taking pictures of everything. Drink of a beer? Picture! Boy wearing scarf? Picture! Girl weirdly adjusting her breasts? Picture! Yeah, that's right, they took pictures of everything. EVERYTHING.

4. My feet hurt. This actually was a running plot point through out the day. Verdict? It sucked. But still my shoes...I mean my boots, look kind of awesome. Pain=fashion.

5. The Richardson. Last time we were here we watched a weird looking boy and girl spend like fucking hour trying to throw a bike inner-tube over a street light. Anyway, that didn't happen this time, but the Richardson was kinda nice. Two Manhattans a happy Bryan make. Rumor has it at least.

And that was the night. As you can tell the second Nacho Hat meeting of the year was an x-core success. X-core.

P.S. Have you seen Miranda Kerr's butt? It's fantastic.

Extra P.S. Apparently it's now up to four (three if we don't count sneak attacks) for 2010, and it's not even February yet! Victor? Definitely not!

1 comment:

  1. this article was written at like 4am. some parties may have been drinking for up to 8 or 9 hours at this point.
